Sunday, August 27, 2017

Book Review For: AFTER OUR KISS by Nora Flite

After Our KissAfter Our Kiss by Nora Flite
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

'AFTER OUR KISS' by Nora Flite this is the story of Georgia Mary King and Conway.
This is a Dark Romance and there can be some triggers for some readers so please beware before deciding to read.
When Georgia was 13 years old she was taken from her bed at night and woke up in a room tied to the bed. There she was not molested but kept tied to the bed and given very little to eat.
Facile Adams was the person that took her and he had two sons named Conway and Lonnie. Conway was the older son who Georgia met on first awaking from being taken. Conway tried to tell her what to do to keep his father from hurting her and they became 'friends' of sort. Lonnie was the younger brother who didn't see Georgia until she had been there for several months. Georgia had begged Conway to help her escape but he always warned that they lived to far from anyone and the one car was always locked up. But a day came after Lonnie saw her that Conway felt he had to help her escape. Georgia got away and now years later after Facile Adams was never caught and the brothers disappeared she sees a news story saying they are looking for Conway who is suspected of kidnapping women. The next thing Georgia knows is that Conway is back and has kidnapped her. Conway isn't the same young boy he was the last time she seen him. Now he was a man with tattoos, scars and not a innocent look in his eye.

"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

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