Saturday, August 26, 2017

Review: So I Married a Sorcerer

So I Married a Sorcerer So I Married a Sorcerer by Kerrelyn Sparks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

'So I Married a Sorcerer' by Kerrelyn Sparks is Book Two in "The Embraced" Series. This is the story of Brigitta and Rupert. Brigitta along with some other young girls were brought to the Isle of Moon when they were very young. This was their save haven from trouble that was looking to find them. They all became 'Sisters' and lived at the Convent of the Two Moons. Now in their present day they are traveling aboard a ship to visit with their 'Sister" Queen Luciana who found her happy ending and now is about to give birth. Along with the sister traveling with them is Mother Ginessa. Brigitta is unsettled by a predication that her and her sister found out about in the Telling Stones they created. It tells that Brigitta will meet seven suitors in eight months and it revolved around the Royal Colors of Tourin. Well the time frame is here and Brigitta is worried for her future. When the ship they are on is stopped buy the Royal Navy Guards of Tourin Brigitta knows something is wrong. When confronting Mother Ginessa...she finally tells her that She/Brigitta is a Royal Princess of Tourin. And that her half brother Gunther is looking for her. We learn that Gunther is not a good person and that he killed the Brigitta younger brother and rightful Heir to become the King.
Rupert spies on Gunther and learned that he was looking for his sister that everyone thought was dead. Now Rupert to is looking for her and he arrives at the ship about the same time as Gunther's men. But Rupert is looking for revenge and Brigitta is the key. Rupert met Brigitta before when she was a baby and even then she had a calming effect on him which appears she still effects him.
I loved the first book in this series and this book didn't disappoint either! I truly enjoyed their story and hope to read more in this series soon. I am so curious about each sister and their stories.
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

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