Saturday, September 2, 2017

Review: Emma and the Earl

Emma and the Earl Emma and the Earl by Samantha Holt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

'Emma and the Earl' by Samantha Holt is book Three in The "Bluestocking Brides" series. This is the story of Emma Chadwick and Lord Morgan Radcliff, Earl of Whitehurst. I have read the other books (and loved them!) but this can easily be a standalone book.
Morgan is trying to out run a married women that is after him. Although Morgan is a known Rake he does not daley with married women. But when Morgan is caught hanging from a window by Emma things go off track. Emma tries to help Morgan get down from the window but he falls on her and from there they are caught. So as we know this means they will have to marry. Although they have seen each other before a few times they have never interacted with each other for long. So they both are trying to make the best they can of the situation. They both are attracted to each other which opens them up for more than just a marriage of convince.
I love the Chadwick sisters! Their stories are funny, sweet and loving. I can't wait for more from them!
Loved it!
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

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