Sunday, September 3, 2017

Review: The Laird Takes a Bride

The Laird Takes a Bride The Laird Takes a Bride by Lisa Berne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

'The Laird Takes a Bride' by Lisa Berne is Book Two in "The Penhallow Dynasty" series. This is the story of Alasdair Penhallow and Fiona Douglass. I have not yet read the previous book, so for me this was a standalone book.
Fiona has lost her heart once and she swore she would never give it away again. Fiona is now a spinster at 27 years and would stay that way if not for her parents who ask her to go to Castle Tadgh where Alasdair has put in a request for near by Clans to bring their single daughters. Fiona agrees to go with her cousins but plans on giving a no care attitude toward this fate.
Alasdair has turned 35 and with that he should have been married and since he isn't he just has a number of days to get married of suffer death for it. Although at first he doesn't think Fiona will be a bride for him due to her attitude and them no easily getting along...fate has other plans.
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

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