Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Review: Indulge

Indulge Indulge by Dani René
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Indulge Dani Rene is book Three in the Sins of Seven series. This is the story of Carrick and Peyton.
I have read the previous books and they were so great I do think it will add to your enjoyment of this book if you read them first too. Carrick was a secondary character in the previous book so you build to love him from there. ..but you can make this a standalone book if you choose to do so.
Carrick has sworn off love after he had a bad run in with it and as part owner of the Sins Night Club he can indulge in other past times.
Peyton just got out of a very bad relationship and has come down to visit her friend and try new things to move past all the hurt.
When a kiss is stolen by Carrick it opens their eyes to something more but will they be willing to go forward or will their past stop them?
This was a hot emotional read that you won't want to put down. I can't wait for the next story in this series!

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