Saturday, July 6, 2019

Review: Waiting For a Rogue

Waiting For a Rogue Waiting For a Rogue by Marie Tremayne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Waiting for a Rogue by Marie Tremayne is book Three in The Reluctant Brides Series. This is the story of Caroline Rowe and Jonathan Cartwick. I have read the previous books which I think did help me to enjoy their story more but if you wish you could make this a standalone book.
Caroline didn't have a good end to the season and now only wants to settle in with her Aunt in the country. Caroline's best friend and neighbor has been displaced due to Jonathan taking over the area which puts her off of him to start. But then they meet and try to keep up their feeling of disliking each other but they feel more than that...they are attracted to each other.
Of course Caroline's parents are not giving up on her marring off which adds to the drama.
Loved their story and home to read more from this author!

View all my reviews

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