Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Playboy's Heart by Nana Malone

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Playboy's Heart by Nana Malone
Release Date: February 25, 2020
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Playboy’s Heart, book two in the Playboy Prince duet by Nana Malone.
The Playboy Prince has lost his princess…
The hell I have.
It took me this long to find her, so I’m not letting her go without a fight.
Everyone will know just how far I’m willing to go for love.
Just how far I’m willing to go for…her.
As it turns out, love is a stronger motivator than vengeance.
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I nipped her shoulder. "Too right. And as soon as we're back from breakfast, I plan on putting you in a comatose state again. But first I need to feed my...” My voice trailed off as I looked for the right word. She slowly sat up. “Not sure what to call me, huh?” “Guess not. We’ve been playing house and you’re posing as my fiancée, but that’s different now.” She nodded slowly as she studied me. “I guess it is.” I wanted to say the word. Mine. But that was too much and would certainly scare her off. So instead, with a nervous laugh, I said, “Don’t look at me. I haven’t a clue how to do this. But I know staying away from you isn’t really an option I’d like to explore any longer.” God, way to pussy out. She chewed her lip. “It’s not like I have some kind of manual either. I don’t really— I mean I haven’t really had a lot of relationships. And I don’t really do the whole trusting-people thing, so this is hard.” Panic flared in my chest. I was fucking this up. She didn't want this. I scrambled for a way to make sure she stayed in my life. Fuck. We’d start with the bed. We were good there. I could bring her around with great sex, right? “Why don't we just take it easy and see where the meandering road leads? Maybe we’ll make a good team.” Fuck. Why did I sound like a complete wanker? She looked down at her hands before slanting me a glance. “Xander, you’re paying me to be here. It doesn’t feel… right.” Bollocks. I knew the money would come back to haunt me. “I already wired the rest of the money into your account this morning when I woke up.” My heart hammered as I searched for the right words. Not too clingy, but interested. Yeah, more like desperate, mate. “I want you to stay because you want to.” She frowned up at me. “Why did you do that? I could be the kind of person to walk out.” No. Please no. Swagger, mate. Believe it. I shook my head. “Because I’d like the real girlfriend instead of the fake one, if you don’t mind. I mean, I’d like you to stay until I hear about the position on the board of the Trust, but even when you move back to your place, I’d like to see you. A lot. Exclusively.” Way to mark your territory, you knob. My stomach knotted as I watched her. What if she said no? Well, I’d give her so many orgasms she’d be too weak to say no. That sounded like a solid plan.
About Nana: USA Today bestseller, Nana Malone's love of all things romance and adventure started with a tattered romantic suspense she "borrowed" from her cousin.
It was a sultry summer afternoon in Ghana, and Nana was a precocious thirteen. She's been in love with kick butt heroines ever since. With her overactive imagination, and channeling her inner Buffy, it was only a matter a time before she started creating her own characters.
While she waits for her chance at a job as a ninja assassin, in the meantime Nana works out her drama, passion and sass with fictional characters every bit as sassy and kick butt as she thinks she is.
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My Review
4 Stars
Playboy's Heart by Nana Malone is book Two in the Playboy Royal Series. This continues the story of Xander Chase and Imani Brooks, so you really need to read the first book 'Royal Playboy'. This book opens us up to more of their story that we didn't see before. It also deals with the issue they have been fight with and the dangers. Xander still needs to be in control which of course conflicts with Imani. This book covers their story through time and does give us the HEA.

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