Friday, May 28, 2021

When Heroes Fall by Giana Darling


Title: When Heroes Fall
Series: Anti-Heroes in Love Duet #1
Author: Giana Darling
Genre: Mafia Romance
Release Date: May 28, 2021


I am the villain of my own story...

Jilted by my fiance.
A disappointment to my family.
Haunted by my childhood traumas.
I felt so much all my life that I resolved to feeling nothing at all.

Until I met my match.

As the most infamous mafioso of the 21st century, Dante Salvatore was madly passionate, unequivocally bad, and entirely too dangerous to know. He was everything I abhorred, yet I found myself representing him in the biggest criminal trial of the decade.

I was so focused on winning and achieving the success I deserved that I didn't notice the gorgeous black-eyed man's effect on me until it was too late. My icy heart had been held too close to his flame and now I wouldn't let Dante go down without fighting with everything I had in me.

Even if the cost of a new life with him meant the loss of my old life and everything I thought I held dear.



Free in Kindle Unlimited


The bullet shattered the glass, but I felt none of those sharp edges nor the impact of that metal projectile lodging itself in my flesh.
Instead, I gasped because the air compressed from my lungs by the weight of a large, incredibly heavy Italian man caging me against the seat.
I tipped my face up, mouth open, eyes dry and prickling with shock. Dante caught my gaze, his own burning coal black and just as hot.
For an instant, just one, I felt his wrath move through me like a tangible thing, something heady and drugging like the finest whiskey or the best Italian wine.
Then he was yelling, “Cazzo, drive, man! NOW!”
With a squeal of tires, Mr. Janko revved the engine and gunned us forward into the intersection despite the red light.
Another shot was fired from behind us, this time wedging itself with a clunk into the trunk of the car.
Dante curled even tighter around Yara and me, protecting us with his massive frame. Surrounded by his warm citrus and pepper scent, pressed tight to his unyielding chest, I almost felt safe despite the madman shooting at us.
He remained there for a few moments until we were long gone from the scene, racing through the streets like a northeasterly storm.
When he finally pulled away, he checked Yara quickly then turned his eyes to me. One large hand went for my face, and I flinched despite myself.
I’d never seen hands like that, hands that large, that rough, that undeniably cloaked in metaphorical red.
Something in his eyes flickered at my reaction, but still, he reached out to pluck a small shard of glass from my cheekbone. I didn’t notice the pain until he pulled it out, making me hiss at the little burst of hurt.
“It’ll heal,” he assured, swiping his thumb over the droplet of blood there then, shockingly, disgustingly, he brought it to his lush mouth and sucked it off.
My stomach roiled, but my thighs tingled even as my mind rebelled against the unwanted intimacy of his touch.


Releasing June 18


Giana Darling is an USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Top 40 Amazon Best Selling Canadian romance writer who specializes in the taboo and angsty side of love and romance. She currently lives in beautiful British Columbia where she spends time riding on the back of her man's bike, baking pies, and reading snuggled up with her Golden Retriever puppy, Romeo.


My Review
5 Stars
WHEN HEROES FALL by Giana Darling is the First book in the Anit-Heroes in Love Series. This starts the story of Elena Lombardi & Dante Salvatore. Elena is very misunderstood person by her family. Elena was the sister of the Giselle in the Evolution of Sin where she was shown to be cold and all business even planning to marry for business. But this book starts to show her true colors which Dante already 'sees her'. Elena is a very successful lawyer who is asked by her sister to help her friend Dante who is a Capo / mafia who has been accused of a serious crime. Elena doesn't have a very good opinion of him but does go through to help her sister. Dante sees so much in Elena and the attraction is off the chart. But of course their path leads us to another book and installment into their story. I cannot wait for it. I do recommend this book and of course this author's writing.

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