Sunday, February 27, 2022

She’s Mine by Belinda Wright


She’s Mine
Belinda Wright
(Protected Series, #1)
Publication date: February 27th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense


Life is good. Our business is growing. We’re successfully building our fight club empire and everything’s going to plan. Until one of the crime bosses asks me for a favour. Will I watch his daughter while he’s out of town? I know I should say no. I don’t do favours – for anyone. But in a moment of weakness, I agree. How hard can it be? I’m a champion fighter, after all, respected by all the crews, there’s no one who can take me on and win.

But I don’t reckon on Daleylah Martinez, the twenty-two-year-old daughter of the Spanish boss…


I’ve been waiting for this moment: Papa out of town- I can finally escape the house and enjoy myself. Then he turns up, Slater; one of my father’s gangster friends moves into our house to keep an eye on me. That’s the last thing I need. Well, he can forget it if he thinks I’m doing what he tells me. And there’s no way he’s stopping me going out with my friends. No way.

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She curls her top lip in a faint look of disgust, which ignites a flash of anger within me.

‘I’ve got to study.’ She goes to walk away but I catch her wrist and pull her back. Her eyes widen with shock at my physical action.

‘Dale, I appreciate this is your house and everything, but let’s just set some rules up front, shall we? I’m here for two weeks while your dad’s out of town, at his request, not mine. We don’t have to be best friends. I don’t care if you like me or not. I couldn’t care less, even. But while I’m here, I’m in charge, which means you will not leave this house without informing me first. I don’t care what you do, as long as it’s in this building, but I’d appreciate it if you would do me the honour of being civil when you speak to me.’

Her gaze is fixed on mine; she doesn’t answer, her teeth biting into her lower lip.

‘Do we have an agreement? Because if we don’t, you’re gonna have to stay by my side the whole two weeks I’m here. And I can tell you, that wouldn’t be very pleasant for either of us.’ I don’t let go of her wrist, holding her close as I speak, waiting for her to react to give me something back that I can work with to understand where she’s at. Her eyes are the colour of warm caramel. The smell of her shampoo fills the air with floral and fruity tones. She is stunningly beautiful, even more so, up close. I rethink what I just said; maybe spending two weeks with her by my side wouldn’t be too unpleasant after all. If she’d only drop the attitude.

Author Bio:

I am a mum, reader and indie author. I love spending time at home with my girls or with my nose in a book. My debut novel The Executive Floor was published in 2019 following many years of stockpiling manuscripts. I write in the evenings after finishing work with a glass of wine in my hand.

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My Review
5 Stars
She’s Mine by Belinda Wright is the First book in the Protected series. This is the story of Dale and Slater. Slater and his brothers are dangerous men but they help the innocent people too. When a favor is called in for Slater to keep and eye on Dale he goes through to do so but he starts to learn things are not what they seem and that his attraction to Dale is more than he can let go.
I will be looking for the next installment.

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