Thursday, February 10, 2022

To Hate You by Bella J


Title: To Hate You
Series: Reckless #2
Author: Bella J.
Genre: Erotic Age Gap Romance
Release Date: February 10, 2022


Dear Noah,

I hate you.

I hate the memory of you.

I hate the color of your eyes and the image of your face that’s stuck inside my head.
But, no matter how hard I try, I can’t forget you.

I hate that damn cottage. I hate that I can still smell you when I go in there, and I wish I could burn it all to the ground.

I hate that I kissed you that night. I hate that I can’t go back in time and stop myself from doing it.
That’s how it all started, with a simple kiss. A stupid kiss. A moment that ruined my life.

I hate the letter you left me. I hate that I sat around for weeks waiting for you, hoping you’d come back.
But you never did.

I hate that I still miss you. You don’t deserve it.

I hate that you were right. You hurt me just like you said you would.

And I hate that, even though you broke my heart…I’ll never forget you.


Not all my love,

Author's Note: Please note that this is not a dark romance, but does contain scenes that some readers might find hard to read. Book 1, To Touch You, must be read first.



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All the way from Cape Town, South Africa, Bella J lives for the days when she’s able to retreat to her writer’s cave where she can get lost in her little pretend world of romance, love, and insanely hot bad boys.

Bella J is a Hybrid Author with both Self-Published and Traditional Published work. Even though her novels range from drama, to comedy, to suspense, it's the dark, twisted side of romance she loves the most.

You can sign up for her newsletter here:


My Review
 5 Stars
To Hate You by Bella J is book Two in the Reckless Duet Series.  This continues the story of Sienna and Noah, so you need to read the first book: To Touch You first. This book does pick up with where we left off with Sienna so heartbroken not sure how to move forward. Sienna is having a hard time dealing with how Noah picked her up just to throw her down. Noah who didn't expect his feelings for Sienna to run so deep has taken off not just so he thinks it will keep her safe from the danger he brings but because of his feelings.  This duet has been page turning.  Loving it.

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