Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Deceive Me by Vi Carter


Title: Deceive Me
Series: Broken People Duet #1
Author: Vi Carter
Genre: Dark College Bully Romance
Release Date: March 7, 2022



They say love and hate dance together along the same line.
My feelings for Layla didn’t dance on the line; they destroyed it.
It’s been seven years since she disappeared without a trace.
And now she’s back, but things have changed- I’ve changed.
I’m no longer the Jared she remembers - the boy who wanted to protect her.
I’m very much my father’s son, and I take what I want, and what I want is Layla.
But this time, I’m keeping her forever.


Seven years, that’s how long it has been since I’ve seen him.
After years of putting myself back together, I’m finally ready to start a life without his memory chasing my every step.
Imagine my surprise when my first step leads me straight back to him.
Only he’s not the boy I remember.
He’s angry.
Hiding secrets that want to destroy him.
He hates me. He wants me.

I’m not sure I will survive the man he has become or his demons that threaten to destroy us both.

Everything in me stills as Jay walks towards me, his face tightening the closer he gets. It transforms him from someone I used to know with dimples and light eyes, to an angry God.
“Hi.” I sound so breathless as he stops in front of me.
He glares at me and rubs his jaw before speaking. “The three days you were missing, where were you?”
He’s angry.
My throat aches again; my heart beats rapidly as I stare up into the dark abyss that wants to consume me. I need to speak, but for the first time with Jared, the words are lodged in my throat.
His large hand touches my jawline, and my eyes flick up at him. His eyes have darkened even further, and I’m not sure what has prompted him to touch me. He looks revolted by the action, yet he hasn’t let me go. When we were younger, I knew exactly what he was thinking, but right now, the unknown is scaring me.
His hand travels down to my neck, his thumb flicking back and forth, his touch burns into me. I swallow.
“Where were you…?” His words trail off as he looks at me with haunted eyes.


Releasing April 7



When Vi Carter isn't writing contemporary & dark romance books, that feature the mafia, are filled with suspense, and take you on a fast paced ride, you can find her reading her favorite authors, baking, taking photos or watching Netflix. 

Married with three children, Vi divides her time between motherhood and all the other hats she wears as an Author. 

She has declared herself a coffee & chocolate addict! Do not judge.


My Review
5 Stars
Deceive Me by Vi Carter is the First book in the Broken People Duet.  This starts the story of Layla and Jared who where in Foster Care together in an abusive situation.  But Jared always tried to protect Layla and they became so close.  They where each others everything and the only love they had.  But then things turned bad and Layla had up and disappeared on him. Jarred tried to find her but never could which changed him from a loving boy towards the weak to a hard man who no longer defends the weak.  In their present day, Layla walks into Jared class out of the blue causing him to turn his shock into hate towards her.  He is no longer her protector but her tormentor.  This was a page turning read and I cannot wait for the next installment!

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