Wednesday, September 14, 2022

No Time To Lie by Lexi Blake


A race against time.
A race for love.

No Time to Lie, an exciting second chance romance in the Masters and Mercenaries: Reloaded Series from New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake is out now!

A grandmaster of lies and deception

Drake Radcliffe has spent half his life in the shadows. Recruited by the CIA when he was barely out of high school, Drake doesn’t know how to have a normal life. While most people his age were playing sports or video games, he was playing spy games with the world’s most dangerous adversaries. It has been a life filled with thrills and adrenaline, but it’s also been lonely. All that might change when a mistake from Drake’s past rears its ugly head and he’s forced to face the only woman he ever loved—the one he’d vowed to stay away from.

A beacon of love and compassion

Taylor Cline committed the cardinal sin in her world—she fell for another operative. Drake was everything she wanted in a man, until he broke her heart. She had one unforgettable night with him and then he never looked back. Her future threatened and family in ruins, she shut down and moved on, hoping to never see him again. Just as she is beginning to put it all behind her, a critical assignment puts her under his authority and right back in his arms.

A deadly mission that brings them together

From the wilds of Wyoming to the glittering cities of Europe, Drake and Taylor must race against time to uncover the truth and expose an evil organization. The stakes couldn’t be higher. If they fail, the world could crumble. If they succeed, they could finally have everything their hearts desire.

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Keep reading for a look inside No Time To Lie!

Drake’s attention was completely focused on her. “I think I want to be honest and upfront with you. I’m attracted to you, Taylor, and I think you feel the same.”

She felt a jolt of heat power through her. “Even if I was, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Can I ask why?”

She didn’t sense any threat from him. With any man who hit on her, she had to assess the potential of him taking rejection poorly. She didn’t think Drake was one of those guys. The last couple of days had made her comfortable with him. “I don’t think it’s smart to get involved with someone I work with.”

“You don’t work with me. From what you’ve said, you won’t be with the Agency for much longer.”

“Yes, and you will be,” she pointed out.

A thoughtful expression came over his face. “That’s kind of what makes it workable in my mind. I can’t tell anyone what I do. That makes for difficult relationships. You already know, and it won’t surprise you that I don’t talk about my work. You won’t get upset if I have to be gone for a couple of weeks without notice. I have a hard time making connections to people, but it was easy with you. Even if you’re not interested in me in a physical way, I hope we can be…friends.” He said the word like it didn’t quite make sense to him. Like it was a foreign word on his tongue.

There was no way for her to deny the electricity between them. She wasn’t sure she even wanted to. That inner voice kept getting stronger.

What would be the harm in seeing if it could work? You might get an orgasm or two out of it. He’s not saying he’s going to walk at the end. He’s actually saying he wants to see you outside this cabin. Why not try?

She was a careful woman. She’d learned that lesson from watching her father throw himself into deadly situations again and again.

But what was she risking? He was right. It was hard for her to connect. She’d had a couple of boyfriends over the years, and she had to hold back so much of herself to even have a chance at making the relationship work. She couldn’t talk about what her father did, couldn’t mention her own work. Wouldn’t it be refreshing to have no secrets between them?

“Did I make you uncomfortable?” Drake asked. “Because we can pretend like I didn’t say anything. This snow is going to stop soon, and I should be out of here in a couple of days.”

She reached for his hand. “You didn’t make me uncomfortable. I’m glad you were honest with me. The last couple of days have been…nice.”

A slow smile spread across his face, and he threaded his fingers through hers. “Nice? Awful sexual tension is nice to you?”

“I wouldn’t say awful. Anticipation can be fun.” It was good to know she hadn’t been the only one who felt the heat between them.

“Are you saying yes?” Drake asked.

Did she want to let him walk out of here and never know what it felt like to be in his arms? They’d been thrown together for a reason. It couldn’t be some random thing that they’d met again. She would hate herself if she didn’t give it a shot.

In a couple of months she would be out of this life and might be able to find some kind of normalcy. Maybe it was time to take a chance.

“Yes,” she said.

“Then come here and let me kiss you and tell you how the night’s going to go,” he said in a commanding tone.

Her whole body responded. She moved, standing and twisting so she sat on his lap. “How is my night going to go, Drake?”

One big hand cupped the nape of her neck while his other arm wound around her waist. “Let’s find out.”

About Lexi Blake

New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband and three kids. Since starting her publishing journey in 2010, she’s sold over three million copies of her books. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance novels that she found success. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings.

Connect with Lexi





My Review
5 Stars
No Time To Lie by Lexi Blake is book 4 in the Masters and Mercenaries: Reloaded and Masters & Mercenaries is book 25.   This is the story of Taylor Cline and Drake Radcliffe.  We learned that Drake has known nothing other than being a CIA agent after being recruited at a early age.  So his focus has only been that, so much so that he turned away from Taylor when they had their one night.  Now though they have been brought back together and this starts their second chance at love.  Loved it.

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