Monday, October 17, 2022

Deadly Sin by Elizabeth Miller


Title: Deadly Sin
Series: Sinners Duet #2
Author: Elizabeth Miller
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Romantic Suspense
Release Date: October 17, 2022


One vow. Two gunshots. Three lives and an unknown future.

Vivienne Cabello’s heart bleeds for revenge, and a monster.
She is a temptation I taste and take, knowing it’s a deadly sin.
The mafia princess became my wife and a willing soldier in the battle to dethrone a king.

What she doesn’t know is I’m key to the kingdom.

She hates. I consume.
She runs. I follow.
She seeks honesty and justice.
I lie and lead her into hell.

But there is one inescapable truth that binds us together—I’ll kill, covet, dishonor, and steal for my beautiful bird.

When the quest for power threatens her life, I’ll give mine to ensure her safety.
Sacrifice is my penance; Vivienne’s legacy my reward.
Monsters die a fiery death, or do they?
She worried over my lost soul, but there’s one small chance her grace would see it rise to live another day.
This is my last shot at redemption.




99c for a limited time!



Writer, wife, mother, and gummy bear lover. An author of romantic suspense and contemporary romance, Elizabeth Miller brings readers the perfect combination of heart, humor, and heat in every book.


My Review
5 Stars
Deadly Sin by Elizabeth Miller is book Two in The Sinners Duet.  This continues the story of Luca and Vivienne 'Vivi' which started in the First book 'Original Sin'. So, you will need to read that previous book before starting this one. Poor Vivi has been through it.  Luca has been very possessive and protective of Vivi and this book has that going full force.  Enjoyed this duet.

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