Friday, November 4, 2022

The Games We Play by Melissa Toppen


Title: The Games We Play
Author: Melissa Toppen
Genre: Enemies to Lovers Romance
Release Date: November 4, 2022


Roman Danvers.

Collegiate athlete.

Notorious playboy.

And my arch nemesis since birth.

Our parents’ friendship meant we had to co-exist. But it didn’t mean we had to like it. He purposely did things to get under my skin. Like spreading rumors about me in junior high so no boys wanted to go out with me. Or sleeping with several of my high school friends, just to prove he could. And let’s not forget about him conveniently choosing to attend my first choice college, even though he had dozens of other schools desperate for him to play ball for them, just to spite me.

His life mission has been to make me miserable. But when I decide to give him a taste of his own medicine, he doesn’t respond well to the shoe being on the other foot. The further I push, the harder he pushes back.

I know it’s only a matter of time before one of us breaks. I just never dreamt it would be him who would crack first. And we he does, things take a turn I never saw coming.

I thought we were just playing games.

I was wrong…



Free in Kindle Unlimited


Melissa Toppen is a USA Today Bestselling Author who specializes in New Adult and Contemporary Romance. She is a lover of books and enjoys nothing more than losing herself in a good novel. She has a soft spot for Romance and focuses her writing in that direction; writing what she loves to read. 
Melissa resides in Cincinnati Ohio with her husband and two children, where she writes full time.


My Review
5 Stars
The Games We Play by Melissa Toppen is the story of Rome and Bexley 'Bex'.
Rome and Bexley's parents are best friends so they have grown up together.  But, they were never really friends.  Rome seemed to always pick on and torture Bexley.  Bexley went off to college thinking she would get a break but no...Rome is still making her life hard.  Bexley is a person that doesn't socialize much and is focused on her college learning.  They few time her roommate talks her into going out...Rome shows up and scares anyone interested in her away. Bexley thinks to get back at him by turning the tables.  They both end up having to go home for the holidays where Roman tries to make how he is feeling toward her known but Bexley isn't so trusting towards him.  Enjoyed and hope to read more from this author.

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