Monday, September 4, 2023

You're so Bad by Angela Casella


You’re so Bad, an all-new steamy, hilarious, fake-relationship romantic comedy from USA Today bestselling author Angela Casella, is now available!

Never fall for the man who's supposed to help you get revenge…


It's not every day you get asked to be a bridesmaid for the wedding of your ex and your ex-best friend. Call me lucky? My grandmother thinks I'm crazy for agreeing, but I can't let those so-and-sos know they've pummeled my self-worth...even if it's true.

Then my grandmother goes off the deep end and tells everyone that I have a boyfriend. A pediatric surgeon boyfriend. Worse, she's shown them his photograph.

The guy in question? He's a hot piece of bad news. He may have befriended my grandmother, but he's far from being in my good graces. So it surprises me when he makes an intriguing proposition.

Why play nice when you can get even?


Shauna thinks she's going to pay me to play Chaos Coordinator. No need. Causing trouble is basically my calling in life. And if I can do that and spend time with a hot purple-haired ball buster?

Sign me up.

Nothing good can come of any of this. Then again, I realized a long time ago that I'm no good for anyone, myself included. So we might as well have some fun.

**An interconnected standalone in the Finding You series**

Start reading today!
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Keep reading for a look inside You’re so Bad!

When we picked up Constance, I could tell there was something off with her. Normally, she would have nearly shit herself over being in a car like that—same as me—but she barely said two words. Then, a couple of streetlights later, she confessed to the whole shebang…
And I nearly wrecked the car.
Here’s the truth: I’ve got a thing for Constance’s granddaughter. Shauna’s small but athletic and curvy, with short purple hair and an attitude that makes her ten times as sexy. Then there’s her art. She’s a clay artist, and most of the bowls, mugs, and vases she makes are monsters. Sharp teeth. Tentacles for hair. You name it. They’re cool as hell, and the fact that monsters live inside that pretty little pint-sized woman interests me.
And I’d just been hand-delivered an excuse to spend time with her.
Nothing can happen between us, of course. I might have started talking to Constance on the movie set out of boredom, but she’s become important to me—important enough that I don’t want to fuck up our friendship to see if her granddaughter tastes as good as she looks.
Not that I’d be offered the chance.
This thing I’ve got for Shauna isn’t mutual. If anything, she’s taken a dislike to me. Seems like she has a smart reply to everything I have to say and a judging gaze that’s always on me. Still, I wouldn’t mind getting to know her better, even if it’s as bad of an idea as it was for that driver to let me take a turn behind the wheel.
Speaking of him—he shrieked, “Pull over now, sir” —and then threw us out as soon as I’d parked at the curb.
Once we’d all filed out in our finery, he shouted, “You’ll never rent from us again,” which we all agreed was fair. I don’t like it when people mess with my toys either, and it was a very nice car.
Burke said he’d grab us an Uber, but from the way he was eyeing me, he probably already knew what my next move would be. He let me stew on it though. My buddy was raised by a couple of rich assholes, so he can be pushy as hell, but he knows what makes people tick. Getting bossed around doesn’t it do it for me. So he doesn’t tell me like it is, even if the answer’s as obvious as mustard on someone’s face.
Still, I could tell he wasn’t surprised when I announced I was bouncing on the wrap party, on account of I had to go see my girlfriend.
“Say hello to Shauna for us before she knees you in the balls,” he said with a smirk, wrapping his arms around his girl.
“Oh, she wouldn’t do that,” Delia said, because she is both sweet and naïve. I have every expectation that Shauna might punch me if she opens that door. She certainly won’t be rolling out the red carpet to welcome me.
“I can’t say I’m sorry for any of it,” Constance said as a group of tourists pushed past us, arguing about directions. They were wrong, but I felt no need to say so.
“Nobody thought you would be,” I said.
She shrugged, looking delighted with herself, and Delia and Burke shared this knowing glance you only see between two people who’ve been foolish enough to fall in love.
“Stop it with the lovesick glances,” I said. “I got a weak gag reflex.”
“Yes, me too,” Constance added. “All of this pecking and mooning is all very good when you’re young and everyone’s pretty, but wait until you’re in your eighties and everything sags—”
“Good God, Constance,” I said, giving her arm a gentle shove. “I just got done saying that thing about the weak gag reflex.”
She laughed wickedly. “Tormenting you makes me feel young again.”
A woman walking by with a stroller gave us a worried look, like she thought our crazy might be catching. When I saluted her, she nearly broke into a run.
Burke rolled his eyes at us, although he should have been used to us carrying on. It’s what we did the whole time we were on that movie set. There’s not much fun to be had when you’re told to sit or stand places like you’re a potted plant, so Constance and I made our own fun.
“We weren’t mooning over each other,” Burke objected. “We’re not surprised, is all. We had a feeling something like this would happen.”
“What, that Constance would send a photo of me around to her friends and say I’m Shauna’s pediatric surgeon boyfriend?” I asked. “That’s a very specific thing to have foreseen. Maybe you should bail out on L& L Restoration and start a phone psychic business.”
L& L Restoration is the house flipping business that Burke and I are running.
To be clear, he’s the one with the bones and business smarts to get this ball rolling. I’m as broke as the day I was born—and if I had any business sense, I’d have a bank account with a few zeroes in the balance.
I didn’t ask Burke to put that kind of trust in me, and part of me didn’t want him to. It’s a burden, someone else’s trust. Especially when you have to bust your ass to be worthy of it. At the same time, he’s giving me a chance to make something of myself. I can’t throw that away, even if sometimes, in the middle of the night, I wake up wanting to pack my bag and drive off to somewhere where no one is dumb enough to give me responsibilities.
“The psychic thing sounds like fun,” Delia said. “Maybe it could be a side hustle.”
“Look at you making jokes.” I grinned at her, pleased as punch. “I’m rubbing off on you.”
“Yeah, probably for the best if you take an uber away from here, so we can make sure that stops,” Burke said.
So that’s exactly what happened. They went on their merry way to the party, and I headed over here to talk to Shauna.
I found myself whistling in my uber, because Constance had just given me the best gift possible—an excuse to get into trouble and pretend I was doing it as a favor to a friend. Maybe she’d known I’d react this way. She’s a wily one, my friend.
That’s what brought me to this moment: standing at Shauna’s door, reporting for fake boyfriend duty.

For more information about Angela Casella and her books, visit her website:

My Review
5 Stars
You're so Bad by Angela Casella is book Two in the Finding You Series.  This is the story of Shauna and Leonard.  Shauna has been roped in to be the wedding of her ex-best friend and ex-boyfriend. Shauna's grandmother Constance starts spreading rumors that Shauna is date someone. This leads Leonard to step up and take on the fake dating roll. But, Leonard been having real feelings for Shauna. Enjoyed this hot and funny book.

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