Title: Fallen Prey
Duet: Parallel Prey #2
Author: Jen Stevens
Genre: Dark Suspenseful Romance
Tropes: Stalker/Serial Killer, Secret Society
Second Chance, Star Crossed Lovers
Release Date: November 2, 2023
I've stared into the face of Death, falling victim to her deceptively sweet lullaby. Until she released me from her icy grip without any warning, sending me stumbling back out the other side to continue on as if nothing happened.
When I come to in the hospital as their mysterious John Doe, I discover that the past year of my life never happened at all.
But I remember all of it. Every drop of blood shed, every life lost, every bullet fired.
I've been propelled back into a personal hell where I'm fraternizing with the very men whose souls I've coaxed from their bodies.
Where the woman I love has no idea who I am.
Where the driving force behind my revenge is alive and well, and has taken it upon herself to make sorting out my new reality increasingly difficult.
I'm reliving each day as if it hasn't already happened while everyone around me remains oblivious to the truth. My sole objective is preventing history from repeating itself, and I’m failing miserably.
Perhaps I'm death incarnate. Perhaps I'm the embodiment of life.
Either way, I plan to set the scales straight, reclaim my precious little lamb, and take back what's rightfully mine.
Find the trigger warnings here: https://www.jenstevenswrites.com/fallenpreytriggerwarnings
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Jen Stevens was born and raised in Michigan where she enjoys the weather of all four seasons in a single day. After obtaining her Bachelors degree, she quickly realized the corporate world wasn't for her and instead took on the daunting role as her children's snack slave. Reading has been an obsession for a long as she could remember, while writing has always been an escape. Jen could quote The Office word-for-word and proudly refers to herself as a romance junkie. She could live off anything made of sugar and has recently obtained the title of Lady. Most of all, she loves connecting with readers!
My Review
5 Stars
Fallen Prey by Jen Stevens is book Two in the Parallel Prey Duet. This continues the story of Sebastian Lancaster 'Bash' and Jovie Benvenuti. The previous book 'Prey Drive' started this duet so that should be read also with this book. This duet has been really good. It was suspenseful along with being an easy to read book. I hope to read more from this author soon. Enjoyed this book.
5 Stars
Fallen Prey by Jen Stevens is book Two in the Parallel Prey Duet. This continues the story of Sebastian Lancaster 'Bash' and Jovie Benvenuti. The previous book 'Prey Drive' started this duet so that should be read also with this book. This duet has been really good. It was suspenseful along with being an easy to read book. I hope to read more from this author soon. Enjoyed this book.
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