Thursday, November 30, 2023

From Hell by Mallory Fox



From Hell by Mallory Fox is now live! 

I vowed to kill him, but he's the one pulling the noose tight around my neck. 
And I'm not sure I want to escape. 

His name is Jack... but I'm the real ripper.

His soul-sucking gray eyes intrusively connect with mine until I'm truly and utterly seen, and he knows what I am. It's then I know that we're the same.

She would be fun to hunt. And kill. I can taste it in the air.

I love that she's a psycho.
I've found myself a twisted little soulmate.

He slaughters women for fun. 
I'm supposed to kill him, not kiss him.

"Don't fall in love with a ripper. 
Your heart won't survive."

My little fox is in the henhouse amongst the wolves.

Now I know who my sweet psycho is...
I can't wait.

Every nerve is screaming that he's here and he's after me. 

His eyes burn into mine. "Last chance to run, little fox."

She's a delight when she's afraid, and then she bites. 

I'll harvest who the hell I like. 
Starting with what's mine...

"You're twisted."
He looks at me with steel grey eyes almost black. A twisted smile in place. "I'm not the only one."

"Stalking?" He looks amused. "No, little fox, I've been watching you, protecting you, keeping what's mine safe."

"Little fox, I know your secret, and I've been waiting to eat you. 

Loving Jack is like plunging into an icy river in the middle of winter--it takes your breath away and stops your heart. Only a kiss could bring you back to life. 

How many sinners have you sent to Hell?
Just one. Myself. 

I died and went to Hell. That's the only explanation for my dark guardian Devil.
He sends me letters from Hell--his dead girl walking. It's only a matter of time before he gives a cold, dark grave too. 

I feel like I'm a broken mount, an abused animal, and he's the fucking whisperer trying to soothe some sense into me. Annoyingly, it's working.

Finally, an angelic grim reaper come to collect my fucked up soul. 

I've already decided he's either a spy or a serial killer. I'm not sure which I prefer. Either. Both.

  Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!


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Meet Mallory Fox


Mallory Fox is a USA Today best-selling author who is addicted to reading big books that never end, eating chocolate-covered pretzels, and looking deep into heart-melting, big brown eyes...the canine kind. She loves to write deliciously dark romance with wicked, twisty plots.  Mallory currently lives in London with her bean-shaped dog and the rest of her non-furry family. When she's not at her desk writing up a storm, she's walking her overgrown cocker spaniel, or trying to learn how to cook, badly.


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 My Review
5 Stars
From Hell by Mallory Fox is the First book in the Villainous Delights Series.  This is the story of Jaxon Clement and Laine Summers.  Laine survived a serial killer about 9 years ago.  This of course changed her but has turned her into hunting for the darker side.  Jaxon is a surgeon who is a morally grey person that is unhinged. Jaxon has become fascinated by Laine who was a fellow medical student of his along with something else he has become obsessed with.  This is a dark romance read for sure.

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