Monday, January 22, 2024

Sinner's Salvation by Bianca Borell


When curiosity and lust collide, desire consumes.

Sinner’s Salvation, an all-new dark marriage of convenience, slow burn, billionaire romance and fourth standalone book in the Syndicate of Sinners Series from Bestselling author, Bianca Borell, is now available!

Cameron McNamara doesn’t want a wife, and he can’t escape an arranged marriage. 

Going along with the marriage will serve his goal of gaining more influence and power. 

When he meets his future wife for the first time, Violet’s nothing like he expected.

But they agree on one thing: Their marriage is paper only. She will be a good wife while in public, supporting his political career and goal of becoming Senator, and he won’t bother her privately.

Violet Campbell has lived in self-seclusion for years. 

A prison her mind keeps her in. 

She has phobias, a lot of them. 

But her father disrupts her hard-earned peace of mind by making her marry Boston’s mayor for his own personal gain. 

Cameron may be the most sought-after bachelor in the city, but she can’t stand him. He’s entirely too arrogant, cold, and has no knowledge about personal space.

But at least, they agree on one thing: No touches. No kisses. No intimacy. 

Behind closed doors, there’s no need to pretend their marriage is real. 

But every day, his wife surprises him. Cameron yearns to uncover the woman she hides behind the mask.

Every night, her husband unravels her and Violet begins to crave more of her husband.

What started as an agreement, is turning into something none of them saw coming.

Sinner’s Salvation is a billionaire, slow burn, arranged marriage, marriage of convenience, dark romance, with a tortured hero and a heroine who finds out she’s stronger than she thought she is.

Start reading today!

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Keep reading for a look inside Sinners Salvation! 

The doors to the terrace open and a woman in a yellow flowing gown steps inside, her brown hair pulled up in a ponytail.

 Behind her is him. Cameron McNamara. I’ve heard of and seen pictures of him, yet his presence sucks all the air from my lungs. His eyes fix on me—golden hues and greens battling for dominance. I can’t escape that magnetic pull. He scans me from head to toe. Gripping his glass, his nostrils flare as if what he sees is unpleasant. 

On instinct, I brace myself as he approaches, never taking those intense, fiery, hazel eyes off me. I have never felt like this under anyone’s gaze; it’s as if he undresses me, leaves me on the floor, and stares at all my vulnerabilities. He emanates raw male energy from his custom-made suit hugging his torso to that face chiseled to perfection. 

Petrified, I step back. “I can’t do this,” I murmur to my parents. 

“Violet. Stay.” My father says my name in a tone that brooks no argument. 

My mind is in complete havoc; my thoughts scramble, and I can’t see the complete picture from all the pieces. 

Cameron saunters toward me with the elegance of a skilled predator. I’m shaking under my skin like a barren tree in winter’s full harshness. 

He stretches out his hand to me. I trace a vein on his palm with my eyes, my finger itching to touch it. Snapping from the sudden urge, I peruse his face. He’s classically handsome and carries himself with poise and elegance. Yet, there’s more to his features: a sharpness in every cut of his sculpted face, firm jaw, perfectly arched eyebrows, and those fiery eyes—a cold portrait of beauty. 

“Oh, I forgot you’re a germaphobe, aren’t you?” He pins my father with a glare—unobstructed fury blazing from his eyes—while my father bites back a retort. 

I blink at him. The derision slipping from that perfect mouth doesn’t sit well with me, so I react by extending my gloved hand. At that, his brow arches, but he gives it a light squeeze that sends a shock through my body. 

“I guess we’re both in a position we don’t want to be in,” I say with feigned confidence. 

My parents gasp, but I can’t focus on anything but Cameron. So strange. His eyebrows draw together and he plucks a box from his suit pocket. 

“Open your hand.” His voice is low and deep, so commanding it captivates my attention. An outer force must possess my body because I do what he says. He drops the velvet box. I open it to reveal a ring with sparkling little diamonds on the band, topped off by a princess-cut diamond. 

What just happened? 

“No glove this time. Put it on or I will.” 

Something tells me he’d do just that. Panic pushes me to take the glove off, his eyes burning the skin I uncover. I quickly slip the cold material onto my finger. 


For more information about Bianca Borell and her books, visit her website:

My Review
5 Stars
Sinner's Salvation by Bianca Borell is book 4 in the Syndicate of Sinners Series.  This is the story of
Violet Campbell and Cameron McNamara.  Cameron is the Mayor of Boston along with being part of the Syndicate.  To further his career he has to marry even though it isn't something that he wants.  Violet is a recluse who has a lot of phobias and spends her time as a gamer.  When her father needs to advance himself he uses her to marry Cameron.  Cameron and Violet both agree that their marriage will on be on paper and for show...nothing else.  But things start to change when they start being around each other.  Loved this book and series!

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