Sunday, September 3, 2017

Review: Balance

Balance Balance by M.J. Woods
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

'Balance' by M.J. Woods is the First Book in "The Amped" Series. This is the story of Aidan and Alexis. Their story does continue after this there will be a cliffhanger to get us ready for the next book called "Sway".
Aidan childhood has allot of issue from an abusive father to a younger brothers death that he still sometimes has nightmares from. Aidan has made himself into one of the riches men around. Being in his middle to late thirty he hasn't settled down with any certain women. There was a women named Stella in his life but he is more of a have sex then they leave kind of guy. Now Aidan is back in his boyhood home where he plans to put is a Safe-haven for kids that are in and having difficult times. It has been hard being back and has brought on more memories and night mares but the one thing Aidan has found by coming back is Alexis.
Alexis too has some issue that we learning about. Alexis lost her husband Ben Clayton almost two years ago, they were best friends. Now she has started up her Father's law firm to try and mover forward while keeping her father's name alive. Alexis hasn't been seeing anyone other than lusting some at the neighbor Jackson Dean. When she has to attend a meeting she finds that Aidan is the guest speaker. Alexis hasn't really heard of him but her friend Charlie has and send her a picture of him. From there Alexis finds she is so attracted to him but knows she not in his league. When someone volunteers her to work on Aidan project with him a two other people she has mixed feelings.
Aidan knows he has to have Alexis and will stop an nothing to have her. Alexis is the first women that has sparked any feelings in him and he is consumed with her.
There is some harsh feelings at first with Aiden putting a stop to Alexis large deal she had with his Uncle that lost her office allot of money and also put her in a bad spot.
I thinks this is Ms. Woods first book but I know its my first book that I have read from her. With that said I must say I fell in love with her writing. I can not get enough of Alexis and Aiden's story!
Love it!
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

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