Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Broken Prince by R.G. Angel


Title: Broken Prince
Series: Cosa Nostra #1
Author: R.G. Angel
Genre: Standalone Mafia Romance
Release Date: March 31, 2021



Being the daughter of the Riverside monsters is a heavy cross to bear, one that twenty-one-year-old Cassie West can’t escape. But first she needs to get her ten-year-old brother out of social care.
Social pariahs can’t be choosy and she finds a job as a live-in housekeeper at Hartfield Manor—a cursed job that no one wants.
But as the days pass, she is intrigued and determined to figure out who is the man in the shadows. The mysterious owner of the manor whose obvious pain resonates with hers.


How the mighty have fallen.
Luca Montanari turned from an adulated powerful mafia underboss to a recluse, clinically alcoholic beast with a death wish in the blink of an eye.
All he wants is to be left alone, to soak in his pain and guilt—in his own version of purgatory—until Cassie West enters his life. She is everything he doesn't want and everything he needs. The fiery redhead starts to bring back to life parts of him he wanted dead. The closer she gets, the harder it is to remain the ghost he’d become.

Who better than the daughter of monsters to love a beast?



Free in Kindle Unlimited


I slid closer to him and removed my gardening gloves. I brought my hand up and brushed the soil from his bearded cheek.
He tensed as if he was made of stone under my touch.
I brought my other hand up and brushed my fingertips across his scarred cheek softly, barely a touch, and despite his frozen state, I saw his pupils dilate. He liked that I touched him.
His small reaction made me bolder somehow and I traced the scars with my forefinger. I traced the one going down in an almost straight line from the side to his forehead, down the corner of his eyes, the corner of his mouth to his chin. It tipped the corner of his mouth in a small pout.
“The scars are not ugly,” I whispered softly, worried that I’d break the spell and he would pull away—retreating in his shell of self-hatred. “You’re handsome. I like both sides of you.” I kept my eyes locked on his—showing him that my words were nothing but the truth. It was not pity talking; it was the attraction I felt for him despite knowing how wrong and hopeless it was to feel something for a man like him.
“You don’t have to say that,” he whispered but remained immobile, letting me trace all the scars.
“I know I don’t. But I mean it, every word. Please don’t hide your face from me.”
I didn’t realize he had moved until he gently brushed his fingers along the seam of my bottom lip. He had removed his gloves while I was engrossed with his face and he seemed as mesmerized as I was.


R.G Angel is a trained lawyer, world traveler, coffee addict, cheese aficionado, avid book reviewer and blogger.

She considers herself as an ‘Eclectic romantic’ and wants to write romance in every sub-genre she can think of.

When she is not busy doing all her lawyerly mayhem, and because she is living in rainy Britain, she mostly enjoys indoor activities such as reading, watching TV, playing with her crazy puppies and writing stories she hopes will make you dream.



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