Thursday, November 11, 2021

Tainted Oaths by Candice Wright


Title: Tainted Oaths
Series: Collateral Damage #1
Author: Candice Wright
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 11, 2021


I left home at eighteen with nothing but the clothes on my back and the bruises on my face.
I worked hard to build a life I was proud of until a simple case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time ripped my world apart.
With my conscience buried in a wooden box beside my wife and daughter, a beast rose from within.

One that fed on the guilty and sated its thirst for vengeance by killing everyone I held responsible.
Over a decade later, when the dust had settled, and all that remains are the ghosts that haunt me, a scared little girl, whose dark history could rival mine, worms her way into my life and my home.
I’m her protector, she’s my ward, but she’s so much more than just that.
She’s my redemption, my salvation, my chance to atone for the blood I’d spilled.
Yet she also tempts the beast within, and after a stolen moment, I’m left with the taste of sin on my lips and a craving for something far sweeter than forgiveness.



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Candice Wright is the international bestselling author of the Underestimated Series. Hailing from the UK, Candice lives with her three slightly unhinged children and the long-suffering partner. When she isn’t busy raising the next generation of crazy, you can find her sitting at the computer writing words she hopes will resonate or snuggled up reading stories by the authors that cultivated her love of the written word.

My Review
5 Stars
Tainted Oaths by Candice Wright is the First book in the Collateral Damage Series.  This is the story of Wyatt and Jenna. Wyatt has lost his wife and child which has turned him dark. Jenna has a very awful childhood and taken as a sex slave but as since came to be with Mercy, Viddy and Wyatt.  Now that she has grown up her feelings toward Wyatt has turned to love but Wyatt has guilty feeling for the lost of his wife and hasn't yet crossed over to having a future but the more he is with Jenna the more he starts to want more.  But the past comes back for Jenna.  This was a page turning read for me.

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