Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Behavior by M.T. Morgan


My savior didn’t come to me riding on a horse, dressed in a suit of armor. 

Reckless Behavior, an all-new dark, emotional, fake dating romance from bestselling author M.T. Morgan is available now!

My savior didn’t come to me riding on a horse, dressed in a suit of armor. 

He came in stylish ripped jeans and a plain t-shirt that cost more money than I’ve ever handled with my dry, cracked hands.

He needs my help to clear up his image. 

Wants me to be his fake girlfriend while rumors of his extracurricular activities die down.

Then one kiss leads to another.

And it turns into something more. 

When my past comes back to haunt me, I have to make a choice: 

Put my savior in danger…

Or run.

But love is never simple, is it? 

Because letting Noah Collins go is the hardest thing I will ever have to do. 

And breaking his heart in the process is going to kill me. 

But I have to let him go. 

Because, unlike Noah, I don’t deserve a happy ending.

Start reading today!

Amazon: http://bit.ly/recklessbehavior

Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/recklessbehavior

She really isn't made for this life, but she was made for my life.

I may not have been her first, but I'm stealing all the one's she had left.

I've known pain my whole life, but I've never craved it the way I do now.

He may have his hand around my neck, but I hold all the power.

He's oxygen. I need him to breathe even though he's slowly killing me.

he whispered a promise I knew he could never keep. “I’ll never let anything hurt you ever again.”

You can see the years of war I have been through on my face, etched into my body. The battle scars on my back and the few on my thighs. There is a light ring of bruises around my neck from the collar they put on me, indication that they were not gentle.

When I saw her, it’s like my soul reached out and latched itself onto hers. I felt an intense need to protect her.

“That may take some time to get used to.”

- “We’ve got time,”

I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone so quiet and reserved before. In the modeling business, that’s not really an option. You have to be somewhat of an extrovert. I mean, we pose naked, for God’s sake. And I’ve been doing it since I was sixteen . I’m nowhere near shy or quiet; I’m the opposite of Elizabeth in almost every way. But… she is as beautiful as me, if not more. I could see that the first time my eyes laid on hers. When I should have been worried about my sister, I was too busy taking in the hidden beauty before me. A torn white, dingy dress. Hair caked in dirt, skin pale and sunken, but her eyes . They glowed. Like a beacon of light pulling me closer.

“That’s dark, but I’m kind of obsessed with it.”

I’ve had many men look at me with desire, but I’ve never felt my own burning within me.

My knight. Sharp cheekbones cut from stone, as if he was sculpted to perfection by the gods themselves. He holds this beautiful, dark look to him. Black hair, messy and hanging in front of his face. Body lean and tone, clean of blemishes or any art. His nose is strong, royal like as if he were blessed with nobility. He stands tall, towering over everyone in the room. Full lips, pulled down in an intense expression, hiding his single dimple. His eyes are like melted chocolate, dark and vibrant at the same time. He is just… beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like him before.

I look down to the shades of the godlike face. Predatory eyes gleaming with mischief . The man with the coal black hair and a crass mouth. My knight. Noah is a permanent fixture in my journal. There is page after page of drawings of him. All from memory. I run my thumb over the shading of his cheek, sighing.

“Romance is dead. Sleep is the new love language."

“Let’s say you did want to take this to another level ,” I begin. “I’m not looking for anything serious. If we did this, I would only be using you for selfish needs.” It’s all a lie. I know if given the chance, I would fall down the rabbit hole headfirst in love with Noah. It would be so easy. “So, use me.” He pulls me closer. “Use me like I’ve been using you.” He makes it sound so easy. But nothing in life is easy. If I’ve learned nothing else, I’ve learned that. And yet…“If we do this, there are no strings attached,” I say sternly. “Disagree. I want exclusivity.” My brow furrows . “I only know a limited number people. You think I have a secret lover I’m hiding? Where? My closet?”

Life lesson: when Elizabeth says it’s a surprise, it’s usually a dangerous one.

“Yeah, but what a fun way to go out. We’ve lived enough.” I lean into her ear, “I haven’t even gotten to taste your pussy, so no, princess, we haven’t lived enough.”

“How do you want me to fuck you, princess?”

The way he claims me makes my stomach flutter violently, but I have to remember this is all for show. 

Learn more about M.T. Morgan and her releases by visiting her website:


My Review
5 Stars
Behavior by M.T. Morgan is part of The Reckless Series.  This is the story of Noah and Elizabeth. Elizabeth had been sold by her Mother to a 'Groomer' so she has some issue that maybe upsetting. Noah's sister had been taken not to long ago but Noah was able to save her and that lead to Elizabeth being freed.  Now Noah is trying to help Elizabeth move forward but he also needs her to help him be his fake girlfriend.  This was a really good emotional romance. I hope to read more from this author.

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