Friday, August 18, 2023

The Art of Falling by Melissa Toppen


Title: The Art of Falling
Author: Melissa Toppen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers/College Sports Romance
Release Date: August 18, 2023


I had a lot of plans entering my senior year of college-- dealing with Archer Copeland in any capacity was most definitely not on that list. The cocky quarterback and I have been at odds since last year when he posed naked for one of my art classes. Okay, so he was wearing a towel, but really, that barely even counts. Apparently, he enjoyed how uncomfortable the whole situation made me and decided that messing with me was his new favorite past time.

Fast forward to now.

My art professor has just assigned us a two-week project that we have to partner with a volunteer from the football team to complete. And of course, Archer being the a-hole that he is, thinks he’ll have a good laugh by giving me no choice but to partner with him. After all, who says no to the guy who took our losing team all the way to the championship game in a single season?

I’ll tell you who… No one.

Well, except for me. I seem to be the only person on campus not completely enamored by his good looks and incredible talent. Simply put, I have bigger things to focus on- like landing an internship for one of the most prestigious design firms in the country. And no one, not even Archer Copeland, is going to get in my way.

Problem is, Archer is a hard man to say no to. Especially when he has you pinned to a wall, kissing you like you’re the freshest damn water he’s ever tasted and he’s seconds away from dying of dehydration.

Yeah, I think it’s safe to say things just got a little complicated.


Free in Kindle Unlimited


Melissa Toppen is a USA Today Bestselling Author who specializes in Fantasy, New Adult and Contemporary Romance. She is a lover of books and enjoys nothing more than losing herself in a good novel. She has a soft spot for romance and all things fantasy, and focuses her writing in that direction; writing what she loves to read. You can find more information about Melissa and her books at

My Review
5 Stars
The Art of Falling by Melissa Toppen is the story of Rory and Archer. Archer is a popular quarterback  football player. Rory is an up and coming artist. They both have run into each other before. Archer had posed for one of her art classes.  Now at college it seems that will be happening again.  Rory had some misconceptions about Archer but once they started to really interact they found they both had been feeling something deeper.  I enjoyed this book and I hope to read more from this author.

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