Monday, January 22, 2024

Before I Love You by AJ Alexander


TEN SWOONY STARS! Before I Love You had me grinning with delight all the way to the heart-squeezing end! Full of fun banter and lovable secondary characters, this smoldering tale of single parents finding their way back to love was everything my heart and soul needed!  

-NYT Best Selling Author Annika Martin

Before I Love You, an all-new single parent, small town romance from USA Today bestselling author AJ Alexander is now available!

𝐀 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐨’𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞… 

A 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝.

After finding out my relationship was a complete lie, I pack up my life and teenage daughter, seeking a fresh start in Tyson’s Creek. I planned on focusing on my daughter, making her my number one priority, until I meet a stranger determined to derail all my plans. 

Our first meeting is like a strike of lightning, something that only happens in stories, giving me more than one reason to keep my distance. However, our meddling friends and daughters make that next to impossible. 

Each time we meet, my heart softens further, toward him and the idea of falling in love again. Connor's panty dropping smile, and the way he dotes on my daughter spell nothing but trouble for the walls I constructed around my heart. Making it next to impossible not to fall in love with him. 

NOTE: This story was previously published as Refuge in 2021. It has since been recovered and titled, reedited, and significant additions have been made to the story. Recommended for mature audiences only due to sensitive subject matter. This book contains the death of a loved one and grief.

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Keep reading for a look inside Before I Love You!

The bell above the door of Just the Drip rings, and I step right into a line, waiting patiently to order. Just the Drip has been around since I was in high school. Although it’s changed hands a couple of times, the place still hasn’t changed much. It has a very cozy atmosphere, giving students and businesspeople a place to meet while also making it feel like home at the same time. 

As I look around the space, my eyes lock on a woman I’ve never seen before sitting at a small table near the front window. My breath catches as I stare at her sipping her coffee. Her curly hair is pushed back from her face by a headband. The sunlight filters through the large window to her left, casting an angel-like glow across her profile as she brings her coffee cup up to her perfect lips. 

I force myself to face forward, remaining focused on the person behind the counter taking orders, but my eyes keep drifting back to the mysterious beauty at the table. My heart pounds inside my chest as I fight the urge to step out of line and head directly toward her table, wanting to know everything there is to know about her. 

I give my head a shake, attempting to clear my mind of this mysterious woman. She’s just another pretty face, nothing more, nothing less. I’m male, so of course I’m going to notice how breathtakingly beautiful she is, but nothing can come of this attraction I feel toward her. Jade is my number one priority, and dating isn’t in the cards for me. 

“Get your shit together, Connor. She isn’t the first pretty woman you’ve ever seen,” I mumble to myself as I step up to the counter to place my order. 

“Can I get you your usual, Mr. Bennett?” Katie says with a bright smile. 

“That would be great,” I respond, my eyes shifting to the right, hoping to catch sight of the woman before I snap them back to Katie. “But how many times do I have to tell you to call me Connor?” 

“A million, but we both know if my mom ever found out I called you by your first name, she’d tan my backside.” She giggles before keying in my order. 

“Fair enough.” 

“Can I get you anything else?” 

“Can I also get an apple cinnamon scone and one of those fancy lattes Jade always orders?” 

“Sucking up to Jade?” 

“Is it that obvious?” I chuckle, reaching into my back pocket for my wallet. 

“Only to someone who knows you and your daughter very well.” 

“That would be you and everyone else in town.” 

Living in a small town has its perks. Everyone is there for each other when you need them. Katie and her parents moved in next door to us when Jade was five or six years old, and she was the perfect age for babysitting. Although I never went out on dates, I had the occasional business dinner or late night at the office. Katie was a great option when last-minute things came up. Living next door made it easier for her and Jade to spend time together, and I never had to worry about there not being someone right there if something happened. It was a win-win for both of us. 

“By the way, her name is Audrey. She just moved here from Texas with her daughter to help Bristol at the yoga studio,” Katie says, her eyes shifting toward the woman before a sly smile spreads across her face. 


“The woman sitting in the corner that you haven’t stopped staring at since you walked in here.” 

“Was I that obvious?” I chuckle, gripping the back of my neck in embarrassment. 

“Only to someone who’s paying attention,” Katie responds, placing the two drinks into a carrier and sliding it across the counter before handing me a bag with Jade’s treat inside. “You should go talk to her.” 

“I don’t date. You know that.” 

“Who said anything about a date? Everyone needs friends.” 

“Friends? Maybe,” I respond quickly and grab my purchases, turning on my heels to head toward the door. 

I focus on the door, needing to get out of here as quickly as possible and far away from this mystery woman and all the emotions her appearance has stirred up inside me. Instead, I take a hard left and head toward her. It’s as if I’m moving on autopilot, having no idea how I made it to the opposite side of the café without making a complete fool of myself. 

I stop just short of colliding with her table, standing there, waiting for her to look up at me, but her eyes are focused on her phone. My stomach knots as my palms sweat, wondering what the hell I’m doing here. I haven’t had a conversation with a member of the opposite sex, who wasn’t a friend or family member, since Lydia passed. Am I supposed to get her phone number or ask Bristol for information about her before even trying to talk to her? I have no idea what I’m doing, but instead of turning around and heading out the door, I clear my throat, hoping to get her attention. 

“Hello.” She smiles brightly, a dimple appearing on her right cheek. 

My brain seems to cease all function the moment our eyes meet. She’s even more beautiful up close. She looks to be around my age, evident by the way her brown skin crinkles around her eyes, her curly hair lands just below her shoulder blades, with hints of gold and red shimmering in the sunlight that is coming through the window beside her, and a nice pair of slightly pink, pouty lips call to me. I stand transfixed by her beauty, unable to find a way to stop her from leaving. Every part of my being wants to be near her, yearning to hear the sound of her voice. 

I open and close my mouth a few times, trying to find my voice, before I finally manage to greet her properly. 

“Hi,” I choke out. The gravelly sound of my voice has me clearing my throat. “I noticed you sitting here all alone and was wondering if you’d like some company?” 

What in the hell? This woman knows nothing about me, and here I am, throwing myself at her like a hormonal teenage boy. I swallow hard, unable to tear my eyes away from her as her smile slowly begins to fade. 

“Umm, that’s nice of you, but I really should get going.” Her eyebrows pull down in concern as she grabs her bag from the chair beside her and pushes back from the table. 

She has every right to be wary of me. Hell, if Jade was in this situation, I’d tell her to run, not walk, in the other direction and never look back. I should give her some space, but it’s as if we are two magnets being drawn closer to each other. There is just something about her that makes me want to say something to calm her, to let her know I mean her no harm. 

“I’m not a creep. I noticed you sitting here the moment I walked into the café, and I haven’t been able to stop looking at you. I know it sounds weird, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave here without saying hello.” 

My hand tightens around the drink carrier, worried that she’s going to walk away without saying another word, but she does the exact opposite. 

“How sweet.” Her cheeks pink slightly as she flashes me a shy smile. “My name is Audrey Wilde. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she whispers softly, her caramel-colored eyes locking with mine. 

“Hello, Audrey.” I place the bag and coffee on the table before reaching out my hand toward her. “I’m Connor Bennett. And the pleasure is all mine.” 

She places her hand gently in mine. As soon as our skin connects, an electric current sizzles up my arm. Her eyes widen in surprise as she pulls her lip between her teeth before dropping her head downward. The spot over my heart aches at the thought of not being able to catch another glimpse of her beautiful eyes. My hand moves on its own, resting my finger below her chin and forcing her to look at me a second time. 


For more information about AJ Alexander and her books, visit her website:

My Review
5 Stars
Before I Love You by AJ Alexander is the story of Connor and Audrey.  Audrey is a single parent to her   daughter Love.  Audrey is looking for a fresh start in Tyson’s Creek.  Conner is a widower with a daughter named Jade. Jade and Love have become fast best friends which of course has Audrey and Conner interacting.  Both wasn't looking for love but it seems love has found them.  Enjoyed this book.

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