The Shadows of Stormclyffe Hall by Lauren Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
'The Shadows of Stormclyffe Hall' by Lauren Smith is the story of Sebastian 'Bastian' Carlisle, the Earl of Weymouth and Jane Seyton.
Jane is an American Historical Student who besides needing to finish a paper about Stormclyffe Hall also wants to do research for her on personal reasons. Jane has been taking with the Stormclyfee Hall for about six years. The dreams she has of Stormclyfee Hall have also caused a broken engagement for her. So she goes forward with getting close to Stormclyfee for her research. But Bastian is adamant about not having her look at the families personal papers.
Bastian has come to Stormclyffe Hall a few months ago to start trying to fix the home back up after such a long time of it being left alone. Bastian has been thinking of the Hall for several years but didn't move forward with going there until now. The town's people swear the house is haunted and Bastian has seen strange things happening there. When he learns that Jane is coming he set his mind to dismissing her and keeping the family personal things off limit to her. But from the start he finds he is drawn to her but still tries to keep with his plan.
The Hall is surrounded with mystery at what caused the death of Isabelle and Richard the original owners and family members. This was such an exciting story from the start...I couldn't put it down. Loved it!
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